Monday, December 1, 2008

Portable SWiSH Max 2006

SWiSH Max is packed with features that make producing stunning interactive Flash animations a simple and painless experience. Here's just some of the features that make SWiSH Max so powerful. SWiSH Max comes bundled with over 230 built-in effects that make animations with text, images and graphics simple and quick to produce. With so many effects the only problem is deciding which one to use!

SWiSH Max not only comes with 230 built-in effects but also gives you the ability to author and distribute your own effects. Your authored effects can include advanced maths scripts and customisable controls. Once you're done you can publish your effects for the world to enjoy.

No coding required! All interactivity can be added through a simple menu interface.
Advanced scripting capabilities through SWiSHscript.
Script editor which allows advanced user to enter scripts directly.
Debugger that simplifies finding and fixing errors in your scripts.

Advanced set of drawing tools provided including: Line, Pencil, Bezier, Text, Ellipse/Circle, Rectangle/Square and AutoShapes.
Complex Shape editing options making it easy to modify your shapes.
AutoShapes that make adding and editing complex shapes like 3D cubes a breeze.
Guides, grids, and alignment tools.


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